Top Resume Skills for Nurses Pursuing Remote Jobs

The remote job market is highly competitive for nurses right now. Here are all the skills you need to build a resume that stands out to get the interview for remote nursing jobs.

The COVID-19 pandemic prompted many nurses to try to move out of clinical settings. This shift has caused a huge surge in competition for remote jobs for nurses. Remote nursing jobs are also looking for different skills. To stand out in your search for a remote nursing job, you will need to update your resume with the right skills. Here are the top resume skills for nurses looking for remote jobs.

Remote Job Searches are Different

Before diving into the skills needed for your resume, it is important to note that remote jobs are different for nurses. This is because nurses working remotely do different things than if they were in a clinical or hospital working with patients. The rise of telehealth means that many nurses can still work directly with patients, but they won't be doing the same things when meeting with their patients by video.

Looking for remote jobs can also open up the possibilities for titles for nurses. There are many job titles beyond LPN, RN, or NP where employers would value your clinical experience. So, make sure to be open in your search to see what else is possible for your career.

The most important thing to remember is that you will need to adapt your resume for each remote job you apply for. This means specifying which skills are most relevant to the job posting.

The following list of skills is a great starting point for nurses looking for remote jobs. Be sure to read each job posting carefully and adapt your resume as needed to the specific remote job that you are pursuing.

Soft Skills for Remote Nursing Jobs

Many employers looking for remote employees value soft skills just as much as substantive or specialty skills. Make sure to include your soft skills on your resume to get through the applicant tracking systems (ATS). The following are the top soft skills to include on your nursing resume for remote jobs:


Nurses working remotely need to be able to have a lot of patience. This is especially true when working with patients who might not be used to the technology or might be experiencing a lot of stress and anxiety.


A big part of being a nurse is empathizing with patients. When you can't be there in person, it is even more important to be able to empathize with patients and understand what they are going through. This is also an important skill to apply to colleagues as working remotely can present its own technical and practical challenges for some people.


Nurses need to be able to communicate clearly, both in writing and verbally. When you're working remotely, you'll need to be able to communicate effectively with patients, families, and other healthcare providers, often via email or over the phone. Be sure to highlight any relevant experience you have communicating with patients, families, providers, carriers, and others by phone, email, or video on your resume.


Working remotely means that you will not have the demands of the clinical setting pushing you to complete the tasks at hand. This can be a good thing, but it also requires that you be more self-motivated to get your work done. Be sure to highlight any experience you have working independently on your resume.


Nursing in-person and remotely requires strong organizational skills to be effective. How you stay organized and the way you prioritize will shift when working remotely. Be sure to update your resume with any relevant experience you have staying organized, prioritizing, and completing tasks in an effective manner.


Working remotely often requires more flexibility than working in-person. This means being able to work different hours or accommodate last-minute changes. Be sure to highlight any relevant experience you have being flexible on your resume.

Conflict Resolution

Nurses cannot always deliver the news that people want to hear. The ability to be effective in your job working remotely can also require strong conflict resolution skills. Be sure to highlight any relevant experience you have dealing with difficult conversations or conflicts on your resume.


Working remotely requires strong attention to detail. This is especially true when it comes to documenting patient care or completing administrative tasks. Be sure to highlight any relevant experience you have on your resume demonstrating your attention to detail.

Substantive Skills

Remote nursing jobs also require strong substantive or technical skills to stand out. Your time in clinical settings will be valuable, but the way that you communicate this knowledge on your resume for remote nursing jobs should be different. The following are some technical skills that nurses should include on their resume for remote jobs:

Electronic Medical Records (EMR) or Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Most providers have used EMR or EHR for some time. The remote nurse will access and use these systems extensively. The particular systems that you have used and how you used them in the past are relevant for the remote job search. So make sure to include the names of the software on your resume and provide examples of how you have used it for specific bullets under your roles if applicable.


Telehealth is the use of technology to provide care at a distance. This can include everything from video conferencing to mobile health applications. Many employers are looking for nurses with experience using telehealth, so be sure to highlight any relevant experience you have on your resume.

Health Information Technology (HIT)

HIT covers a broad range of technologies that are used to store, collect, and analyze health data. As a nurse, you may not have experience with all aspects of HIT, but if you have any relevant experience, be sure to include it on your resume. You should also include the names of the technologies that you used and any rules/laws/policies that you had to apply or be familiar with in using those systems.

Case Management

Case management is a process that nurses use to coordinate care for patients. It includes activities like discharge planning and coordinating with other providers. If you have experience with case management, be sure to include it on your resume as many employers are looking for nurses with this experience.

Working with Payors

As a nurse, you may have experience working with payors or insurance companies. This could include prior authorization, appeals, or denials. If you have this experience, be sure to include it on your resume as many employers are looking for nurses with this experience.

Quality Systems

Many nurses are on the frontlines executing or monitoring quality improvement initiatives in the clinical setting. The nurses working remotely will often serve as the ones designing or auditing those quality initiatives. If you have experience with quality improvement or auditing, be sure to include it on your resume.

There are many other substantive or technical skills that nurses can highlight on their resumes for remote jobs. The key is to focus on the skills that are most relevant to the job that you are applying for. You should also include any relevant certifications that you have that would be beneficial for the job.

Specialty Nursing Skills for Remote Jobs

Remote nursing jobs are similar to in-person roles where there are often unique or specialty skills required for the position. This specific knowledge or experience should be included on your resume to be viewed as qualified for the roles. Here are the top specialty skills to consider for your remote nursing resume:


Informatics is the science of using technology to manage and process data. Nurses with experience in informatics often work remotely as they can manage and process data from anywhere. If you have experience with informatics, be sure to include it on your resume. You should also include the names of the technologies that you used and any rules/laws/policies that you had to apply or be familiar with in using those systems.

Project Management

Project management is the process of planning, executing, and monitoring projects. Nurses with experience in project management often work remotely as they can manage projects from anywhere. If you have experience with project management, be sure to include it on your resume. You should also include details about the types of projects you managed, any methodologies used, team sizes, and results.

Utilization Management

Utilization management is the process of optimizing the use of resources in healthcare. Nurses with experience in utilization management often work remotely as they can manage projects from anywhere. If you have experience with utilization management, be sure to include it on your resume. You should also include details about the types of utilization initiatives, the people worked with, and the outcomes of such utilization management programs.

Medical Products

The knowledge of how specific medical products or devices are used can be important for nurses that work remotely. Oftentimes, nurses that work remotely are responsible for providing education to patients or other clinicians about how to use specific products. If you have experience with medical products, be sure to include it on your resume along with the types of products you are familiar with.

Vendor Management

Vendor management is the process of overseeing and coordinating with vendors. Nurses with experience in vendor management often work remotely as they can manage the purchasing, delivery, and service delivery for multiple locations. If you have experience working with vendors make sure to include it on your resume. You should also include details about the types of vendors you managed, the stakeholders in the process, and any notable achievements or cost savings gained in your experience with vendors.

Disease State Knowledge

Specific disease state knowledge can be important for nurses working remotely in case management or care coordination roles. This particular knowledge may be a requirement for the job that sets you apart from others. Your experience working with these patients and the existing treatments or common care plans can be essential to the role. So, make sure to include this knowledge about the particular conditions or disease states on your nursing resume.

Training and Development

The ability to develop and deliver training can be important for nurses working remotely. Many nurses that work remotely create, present, or improve training for clinicians. Your experience developing and delivering training programs can be essential to the role. So, make sure to include this information about your experience on your nursing resume.

Sales and Marketing

Many nurses in clinics or specialty practices will become involved in the growth initiatives. This may be appearing at local education events, creating collaborations, or managing partnerships or referral relationships. Your experience in communicating technical health information in a way that activates people to work with the practice can be essential to your remote job search. So make sure to include this information on your nursing resume.

These are just a few examples of the types of skills and experience that can be beneficial to include on your nursing resume for remote jobs. Be sure to tailor your resume to the specific position you are applying for and include any relevant skills, experience, or knowledge that would make you the best candidate for the role.

Want to make sure that your nursing resume stands out for remote jobs? Submit your information below and our team of nursing career experts will be in touch with details about how we may be able to help.