Build the Best Cover Letter as a Technical Project Manager

Technical project manager cover letters can be helpful to stand out from the competition. Here is what you need to know to build the best cover letter as a technical PM.

Technical project manager cover letters can be helpful to stand out from the competition. Many employers won't require them, but it can be a good chance to tell the story beyond your resume. Here is what you need to know to build the best cover letter as a technical project manager.

What is a Technical Project Manager Cover Letter?

A cover letter for a technical project manager is the one-page summary of your resume that you submit with your resume. This cover letter provides an overview of your qualifications as a technical PM and highlights your most relevant experiences and results. The technical PM cover letter should not repeat your resume, but it should tell the story behind your resume in a way that is relevant to the job that you are applying to. (Read more about what goes in a cover letter v. a resume here).

A cover letter is not always required, but it can be a good idea to include it when applying to the technical PM job. This is your chance to tell the story that isn't on your resume to the people evaluating whether you are a match. The following explains how to build the best cover letters as a technical project manager.

Address the Job Description

When writing your cover letter, start by reading the job description thoroughly. You will want to use the information in that specific job description to explain how you are qualified and why you are the best candidate. It will also help you focus your letter on how you can meet the needs of the employer.

Your opening paragraph should say how you found the job and provide an overview as to why you think that you are a good fit. You need to grab the reader's attention right away or they will move on to other candidates. This overview statement should connect directly with the particular job and company that you are pursuing. However, this statement should be no more than a few sentences.

After you introduce yourself, the next section of your cover letter should focus on your qualifications. This is where you can go into detail about how the requirements in the job description are met by the experiences reflected on your resume. Be clear in how you meet the requirements and any preferred requirements if possible.

Provide Examples

Your technical project manager cover letter must include specific examples about your project experience. Paint a clear picture for the employer about your skills and experience as it relates to the job. Explain enough detail in your cover letter about those examples so that the person skimming can understand it. However, do not repeat the resume on your cover letter. Instead, focus on the most notable, relevant examples in your technical project manager cover letter.

This can mean identifying the types of projects that would be most relevant to the particular organization. Or, pointing to technical projects that you previously managed that are right in line with the company or its industry. Be strategic about the examples that you provide and make sure to include statements that directly connect those experiences to the job that you are applying to.

And, make sure that you provide context about the technical projects that you pick. This is particularly helpful if you haven't managed the specific types of projects that this company may need. So, include details about the teams, the end-users, the software, the vendors, budgets, etc. As a technical PM, you are the expert in the process and maintaining momentum. So, talk about how you did that to achieve the results in the projects that you use as examples in your technical project manager cover letter.

Connect Skills with the Results

The next step in your technical project manager cover letter is to make sure that you are including skills. These skills in your cover letter should be relevant to the job that you are applying to. They should also be connected to results.

For each skill, you should provide an example of how you used that skill to achieve success on a project. And, make sure to use numbers whenever possible. This will give concrete evidence as to why you are the best candidate for the job.

Your cover letter skills section can be in paragraph or bullet-point form, whichever works better for you. Or, you could opt to include skills throughout the cover letter and a short bulleted list to make it easy for everyone to see how you are the best fit for the role.

Proactively Address Weaknesses

You can also use the technical project manager cover letter as a strategic way to message any weaknesses or challenges that you may have as a candidate for the particular role.

For example, if you don't have experience with certain software that the company uses, talk about how you are a fast learner and would be able to pick it up quickly. If you don't have direct experience leading teams in the way that this company does, talk about how your skills can still be applied in a similar way.

Including a paragraph about how you would address any potential weaknesses shows that you have thought about the role and how you can excel in it. Don't focus on the weaknesses, but address them proactively in the cover letter to overcome the expected hurdles. Use this opportunity to create the talking points for your interview.

Explain Why You Want the Job

You can also use the technical project manager cover letter as a strategic way to message any weaknesses or challenges that you may have as a candidate for the particular role.

For example, if you don't have experience with certain software that the company uses, talk about how you are a fast learner and would be able to pick it up quickly. If you don't have direct experience leading teams in the way that this company does, talk about how your skills can still be applied in a similar way.

Including a paragraph about how you would address any potential weaknesses shows that you have thought about the role and how you can excel in it. Don't focus on the weaknesses, but address them proactively in the cover letter to overcome the expected hurdles. Use this opportunity to create the talking points for your interview.

Articulate Why this Company

Make sure that everything in your technical project manager cover letter is tailored to this specific job. Generic statements will not make an impact. And, at your level as the leader of the technical project teams, most employers expect a customized message.

Focus on what you know about the company and how your skills can complement their needs. Show that you have taken the time to do your research and are genuinely interested in this opportunity.

This is also a good place to reiterate your interest in the role and why it appeals to you. Don't just say that you are looking for any job, but explain why this position is the perfect next step in your career as a technical project manager.

Edit and Proofread

The final step to the best technical project manager cover letter is to edit and proofread it. This is your final chance to make a good impression, so make sure that everything looks great.

Check for grammar mistakes, typos, and formatting issues. Once you are satisfied with the letter, ask someone else to read it over as well. They may be able to catch something that you missed.

The best IT project manager cover letters are tailored to the specific company and role, show that you have done your research, and are error-free. Make sure that you focus on your skills and how they can complement the needs of the company, edit and proofread carefully, and address any potential weaknesses proactively. With these tips in mind, you can create a cover letter that will make an impact.

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