LinkedIn Easy Apply Software Review: Pros & Cons for Jobseekers

Our experts tested the platform and share everything you need to know about how LinkedIn Easy Apply for your job search

LinkedIn Easy Apply makes applying for jobs posted on LinkedIn easy. But, does it work? If so, how does it work and what do job seekers need to know to make the most of the system to land interviews? In this article, we'll delve into the details of LinkedIn Easy Apply and discuss its pros and cons.

Understanding LinkedIn Easy Apply

LinkedIn Easy Apply is a helpful feature for job seekers. It lets you apply for jobs right on LinkedIn without creating new accounts on company websites or filling out long forms again. You can apply for many jobs quickly, which saves you time and effort. This is great for those applying to several jobs at once.

When you click the "Easy Apply" button, LinkedIn sends a quick view of your profile to the recruiter. This view includes your headline, work experience, education, and skills. So, it’s important to keep your profile updated and in good shape to make a great first impression.

LinkedIn Apply button

When you look at job listings on LinkedIn, you will see two types of buttons: "Apply" and "LinkedIn Easy Apply." Depending on which button is available on the job posting on LinkedIn, it can make a big difference in what you need to do to complete the application. Both buttons help you apply for jobs, but they work differently. When you click the "Apply" button, it usually takes you to the company’s website. There, you will fill out a more standard application.

This includes creating an account in their Applicant Tracking System (ATS), completing forms, and uploading your resume and cover letter. This way lets you customize your application and show off your skills well, but it can take time. You can opt to share your LinkedIn profile with the hiring team when you hit "Apply" on LinkedIn. If you do that, the person reviewing the applications will know that you submitted your application through the ATS and will have a preview as to who you are if you have a great LinkedIn profile.

LinkedIn Easy Apply button

Alternatively, there are some jobs where the employer has opted to collect applications only on LinkedIn. These jobs are marked with the "Easy Apply" button. Employers opt for the "Easy Apply" route because they want to collect as many applications as they can for their open job. The "Easy Apply" button makes it simpler to apply for jobs online. When you click it, the button uses details from your LinkedIn profile to fill out the application form. This application process happens right on LinkedIn.

This means that you are not submitting a resume for the job. Instead, LinkedIn sends a shortened version of your profile to the employer. This usually includes your profile picture, job title, work history, education, skills, and other information you share. Recruiters and prospective employers will look at this snapshot to decide if they want to move forward with your application. This means that if you do not have all of the information you want the employer to see on your LinkedIn profile, then they will likely not see it or receive it if you use the LinkedIn easy apply option.

The Basics of LinkedIn Easy Apply

LinkedIn Easy Apply makes applying for jobs easier. It uses your LinkedIn profile as the main source of information. If you are going to use LinkedIn Easy Apply in your job search, here is what you need to know about how the platform works and what information it sends to employers.

How LinkedIn Easy Apply Differs From Traditional Applications

Unlike the Apply button, if you are using "Easy Apply," the entire process takes place on LinkedIn for both candidates and employers. When you hit Easy Apply on LinkedIn, the platform will automatically pull the information from your profile to build a shortened "resume" to send to the employer for consideration. If you set it up, sometimes, LinkedIn Easy Apply will allow candidates to submit their LinkedIn resume. However, you will not get an opportunity to customize the application before it is submitted. Moreover, you will not be submitting a cover letter or any other documentation.

The Employer receives your application on LinkedIn. In the LinkedIn jobs or recruiter modules, the person screening the applications will see your profile photo, headline, and the analytics of the platform. These analytics can quickly show the recruiter whether or not you are qualified for the job based on whether or not the requirements listed in the job description were included in your profile. LinkedIn will also organize candidates who are not qualified so the recruiter doesn't have to spend time looking through all of the candidates if they do not want to. The recruiter can also set up an automation to automatically reject candidates with an inmail if they do not meet the requirements for the job as posted.

Many employers have LinkedIn integrated with their applicant tracking systems (ATS). This means that the data in LinkedIn jobs/recruiter will be sent automatically to the employer's selected ATS platform. So, unlike a traditional application where the job seeker enters their information in the ATS, the LinkedIn Easy Apply system will populate this information using the information from the candidate’s profile automatically without a chance for the candidate to correct or complete it.

Some employers do not opt or cannot connect their ATS with LinkedIn. In those cases, the employer will have a recruiter or talent acquisition source compile and enter the information manually using the resume provided by LinkedIn. In this case, the recruiter is charged with manually submitting the resume in the ATS using only what LinkedIn has provided them.

Candidates do not have an option to complete their information at this stage either. In organizations with tons of candidates and jobs to fill, employers will tell their recruiters not to spend the time to enter the information of rejected candidates on LinkedIn in their ATS.

The Pros of Using LinkedIn Easy Apply

LinkedIn Easy Apply makes the job application process much easier. For busy people, this tool can change the game by allowing quick and simple applications for many jobs. You don’t need to enter the same details over and over, so it saves you time and energy. More specifically, here are the pros we found for candidates using LinkedIn Easy Apply:

Simplifying the Job Application Process

The job application process is time-consuming. Job seekers spend an average of 1 hour on each application from finding the posting, preparing the materials, and submitting their application. Conversely, hiring managers spend an average of 6 - 7 seconds reviewing your resume before making their mind up. They may opt to review it further, but that is only to confirm the decision they made initially. In total, everyone involved in the hiring process is spending an average of 5 minutes reviewing your resume and cover letter. That means on average you spend 55 minutes more on every single application than it will ever be reviewed. This alone is a strong reason to opt for the Easy Apply route or any other way that cuts down the time of applying for a job.

However, LinkedIn's Easy Apply feature makes this process of submitting an online application much easier for job seekers. It removes the need to fill in personal details and upload documents every time you apply. Easy Apply saves you time and effort so you can focus on other important parts of your job search.

Here are some ways Easy Apply makes applying for jobs simpler:

  • Faster applications: Apply for jobs with just one click, which saves time on each application.

  • Pre-filled forms: Your LinkedIn profile info automatically fills in the application fields.

  • LinkedIn Resume: The system submits your LinkedIn resume to the employer when you hit "Easy Apply."

By making the application process simpler, Easy Apply helps job seekers explore a greater variety of positions and apply for more jobs.

More Applications

LinkedIn Easy Apply helps job seekers to communicate with more employers by saving time on each application. This means they can submit their application to more jobs with a simple click of the button.

This not only increases their chances of getting hired, but it also allows them to explore a wider range of opportunities.

Time-Saving Features

One of the biggest benefits of using Easy Apply is its time-saving features. By automatically filling in application fields with information from your LinkedIn profile, you don't have to waste time manually inputting the same information over and over again. Plus, with the option to submit your LinkedIn resume when using Easy Apply, you can save even more time by not having to upload a separate document for each application.

Increased Efficiency

With Easy Apply, job seekers can easily apply for multiple jobs in one session without having to visit each company's website individually. This streamlines the application process and helps job seekers stay organized with their job search. Additionally, Easy Apply allows for easy tracking of job applications, so you can keep track of which jobs you have applied to and when.

Customized Job Alerts

With the customizable job alert feature on Easy Apply, users can set specific criteria for the types of jobs they are interested in. This saves time by only showing relevant job postings and eliminates the need to sift through countless irrelevant listings. Job seekers can also choose how often they receive these alerts, ensuring that they don't miss out on any potential opportunities.

Seamless Communication

Easy Apply offers a built-in messaging system for seamless communication between employers and job seekers. This eliminates the need to constantly check emails or wait for phone calls, as all communication can be done directly through the app. Users can also choose to receive notifications for new messages, ensuring that they stay on top of important updates and inquiries from potential employers.

Effortless Application Process

Gone are the days of filling out long and tedious job applications. With Easy Apply, users can easily apply to jobs with just a few clicks. The app pulls information from the user's profile to automatically fill in common fields such as name, contact information, and work experience. This makes the application process quick and simple, allowing job seekers to apply for multiple positions in a fraction of the time it would normally take.

The Cons of LinkedIn Easy Apply

While LinkedIn Easy Apply is very convenient, it does have some big drawbacks. Using only this easier option for job applications can hurt your job search. You might end up with plain applications that don't show off what makes you special. This can make it hard for you to stand out among many applicants.

Also, because it's so easy to apply, recruiters might get many applications to look through. This shows how important it is to improve your LinkedIn profile. It’s better to use Easy Apply wisely and not as your only way to apply for jobs.

Limited Customization for Applicants

One major problem with LinkedIn Easy Apply is that it does not allow for much personal customization. When you apply for jobs the traditional way, you can include cover letters and tailored resumes that highlight your skills and experiences to fit each job well. In contrast, with Easy Apply, recruiters mainly see a snapshot of your LinkedIn profile. This may not show all your qualifications for a specific job.

You can upload a resume, but most recruiters focus on what they see on your profile first. This shows how important it is to have a detailed LinkedIn profile that shows off your skills, experiences, and career goals effectively. However, with Easy Apply, you are limited in terms of personalization and may not be able to showcase your full potential as a candidate.

Additionally, the lack of customization also means that you cannot address any specific concerns or questions that the employer may have for a particular job. This can put you at a disadvantage compared to other applicants who take the time to tailor their applications.

Furthermore, LinkedIn's algorithm may filter out certain candidates based on qualifications and keywords listed in their profile. This means that even if you are qualified for a job, your application may not even reach the recruiter if it does not match their specific criteria.

Intense Competition for the Job

Because it is easy to apply for, MANY people will apply for the job. This makes it common for people to see 100+ or 200+ applications for the job on LinkedIn within hours of its posting (especially if the job is remote). This makes it harder for recruiters to sort through the applications and more challenging for people to stand out for the job because of the extreme number of applications.

This intense competition emphasizes the importance of having a strong and optimized LinkedIn profile to increase your chances of being seen by recruiters. Make sure to include relevant keywords, skills, and experiences in your profile to increase your visibility among other applicants. You should also think about contacting the job poster or someone at the company. This will show your interest in the job.

Your Information Doesn’t Always Make it to the ATS

Employers post their jobs on many places online to get the best candidate for the role. The applicant tracking system is the central place for most employers to track, communicate, and filter candidates. However, the connection between the ATS and the job boards are not all the same.

One thing to keep in mind when applying for jobs online is that your information may not always make it to the applicant tracking system (ATS). While employers post their job listings on various websites, the ATS is often the central hub where they receive and manage applications.

However, not all job boards have a seamless integration with the ATS. This means that there can be discrepancies or delays in transferring candidate information from the job board to the ATS. In some cases, a person may need to manually enter this information into the ATS if there is no integration or if it does not send information back. And, as explained above, there can be a need for a person to capture and enter the candidate information from the job boards if the integration isn’t built or doesn’t send information back to the ATS. In that case, candidates are at risk of never making it in the real pool of people being considered for the job if they use LinkedIn Easy Apply.

This can be problematic for candidates who use platforms like LinkedIn Easy Apply, as their application may never reach the actual pool of applicants being considered for the job. Therefore, it is important for job seekers to be aware of the application process and potential limitations when applying through different job boards.

Maximizing Your Success with LinkedIn Easy Apply

If you are going to use LinkedIn Easy Apply, then there are some strategies to maximize your chances of getting a job. Here is what you need to know to make the most of LinkedIn Easy Apply in your job search:

Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out

LinkedIn Easy Apply draws directly from your LinkedIn profile. It is necessary to have a complete and robust LinkedIn profile with all of the information the recruiter needs to see if you want to make it through the filters. If you do not complete your profile or include all the relevant keywords or details, chances are you will never make it through the filtering process.

Here are some tips to make your LinkedIn profile better:

  • Use a professional profile picture: Pick a clear photo that shows you well.

  • Create a strong headline: Don’t just state your job title. Share what makes you special and use all of the characters to communicate your skills so a recruiter opts to click on your profile/resume to see if you are qualified for the job.

  • Write a short and engaging summary: Focus on your best skills, experiences, and career goals.

  • Complete all the fields: This is necessary if you want to get through all the filters and automation used by recruiters.

  • Show your successes: Use real results to show what you achieved in past jobs.

Putting time into a great LinkedIn profile will help you be noticed by recruiters. This can help you get your dream job. Want help to make sure your LinkedIn profile does everything it needs to? Consider hiring a professional LinkedIn profile writer like those at The Contingent Plan to make the most of your applications on Easy Apply.

Crafting a Noticeable Easy Apply Submission

While you can't usually add a cover letter with LinkedIn Easy Apply, you can still make your application shine. Look closely at each part of your LinkedIn profile that recruiters can see. Make sure it matches what the job posting asks for, and by doing this, you’ll be in a much better place to attract attention. Pay special attention to your headline since it's the first thing recruiters will notice.

Don't just focus on your current job title. Use relevant keywords and show off your skills. Make sure your work history shows real achievements and a clear path in your career. Use the skills section wisely by adding skills that are in the job description to make your profile easier to find.

By carefully shaping your LinkedIn profile, you can tell a strong story that grabs recruiters' attention and motivates them to check your full profile.

When to use LinkedIn Easy Apply

The best way to make the most of LinkedIn Easy Apply is to use it only when necessary. That means going direct to the employer's website and submitting your application directly in their applicant tracking system and bypassing all of those people who opt for Easy Apply. This give you the chance to control what information enters the employer's system and to make sure it is as thorough as possible. You can also highly customize the information that is provided to the employer.

If you cannot find the job on the employer's careers page, then you must use LinkedIn Easy Apply to submit your information. This is the only way to be considered for the role and this is the best time to use LinkedIn Easy Apply - when you must.

Why would a job only be posted on LinkedIn and not on a company's career page? There are a few reasons why this can happen. First, the employer may not be large enough to have their own careers page or separate ATS and they may use LinkedIn in place of the ATS. Second, the recruiter posting the job may have decided that the best talent for the job is on LinkedIn and went straight there to post the job rather than wait for the ATS to push that job out to LinkedIn through its integration. Or, the employer's ATS may not be connected to LinkedIn at all and the recruiter needs to start moving on the talent. Either way, it's important to take advantage of this opportunity and submit your application through LinkedIn Easy Apply.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid When Using LinkedIn Easy Apply

Using LinkedIn Easy Apply is convenient, but be careful. If you don’t think it through, you might miss out on good chances. Don’t use it like it works for everyone; applying for jobs is never going to be an exact science. Spend time improving your LinkedIn profile to show your skills and experience properly. If you don't customize your profile, your applications might look the same to recruiters.

Also, don’t depend only on Easy Apply. It’s important to focus on other parts of your job search too. Make sure to network and tailor your resume and cover letter for each job you want.

Generic Applications: Why They Fail

In today's tough job market, sending general applications can hurt your job search. Recruiters can easily see the difference between a personalized application and a generic one. When you take the time to learn about the job requirements and show how your skills fit, it shows that you really care.

Also, general applications miss the details that grab a recruiter's attention. Instead of showing what makes you special and how you can help the company, a general application gets lost with the rest.

Spend time researching the company. Understand its culture. Customize your application to show why you are the best fit for the role.

Ignoring the Follow-Up: A Missed Opportunity

Following up after you submit a job application is very important. This includes applications sent through LinkedIn Easy Apply. A good follow-up message shows that you are still interested and helps you stay on the recruiter's mind. It can also remind them about your skills and your excitement for the job. You might even get to share more info related to your application.

Try reaching out to a networking contact at the company or the LinkedIn recruiter for the open position. This personal touch shows you are proactive. It can help you connect better and make you stand out among other applicants.

If you do not follow up, you lose a chance to show your interest again. You could also miss out on getting important details about the hiring process.


Our testing of LinkedIn Easy Apply found many pros and some big cons. LinkedIn Easy Apply makes it easier for job seekers to apply for jobs. It helps you find opportunities quickly, but it doesn't allow much customization. And, it can be difficult to stand out or to even get through the filters using LinkedIn Easy Apply. Thus, while it may be easier to apply for more jobs, the quality and effectiveness of the applications submitted through LinkedIn Easy Apply suffer tremendously. Thus, it is our conclusion after testing to only use LinkedIn Easy Apply when you absolutely must in your job search if your goal is to get the position that you are applying to.

The key to making your applications as effective as possible when using LinkedIn Easy Apply is to optimize your LinkedIn Profile, to follow up on the applications, and to leverage your professional network. Doing all of these things will help you to advance your job search and career.

Want help to optimize your profile or need some guidance in using the more advanced features of LinkedIn in your job search? Our team of experts would be happy to assist. Claim your free consultation today to find out how we may be able to unlock your career potential.