How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Summary to Advance Your Job Search

Expert tips and examples to Build a LinkedIn About Section that Stands Out

LinkedIn plays a bigger part in your job search than most people realize in today's competitive market. This means every section on your profile, including your LinkedIn headline and the About section, needs to be built to land your next interview. So, our job search experts put together tips, best practices, and a few examples to help you build an About section for your LinkedIn profile that makes you stand out in your job search.

Understanding the Importance of Your LinkedIn About Section

With millions of people looking for jobs on LinkedIn, your profile can easily get lost. How can you stand out and catch the eye of recruiters and hiring managers? The answer is clear: maximize the important real estate you have in the About Section on your profile.

The Role LinkedIn Plays in Your Job Search

LinkedIn has changed the way people connect and find new opportunities. It is not just a place to network anymore; it is a strong tool that can help or hurt your job search. Potential employers use LinkedIn to find good candidates, often even before they post a job.

Here are some eye-opening stats to know about LinkedIn for your job search:

  • 14 Million jobs are posted on LinkedIn globally

  • 49 Million people are using LinkedIn to find a job globally (3x the number of posted jobs)

  • The average job posting on LinkedIn receives 120 applications

  • 97% of HR and staffing professionals use LinkedIn in their hiring efforts

  • Candidates with a comprehensive LinkedIn profile have a 71% higher chance of getting a job interview

When recruiters use LinkedIn, either in the Jobs section or LinkedIn Recruiter, they use the fields and keywords to find and filter candidates. If you do not fill out your fields with the right information or use the right keywords, you are not going to show up in their searches. That’s why optimization is important. By adding the right keywords to your LinkedIn profile, especially in your summary section, you can improve your chances of showing up in search results. This can help you get noticed by the right people.

Why Your About Section Matters

Your LinkedIn summary, also called the "About" section, is an important piece of real estate on your LinkedIn profile. This is where you can grab people's attention and provide an engaging, impactful summary of who you are as a professional and why they should contact you (or hire you).

Think of your summary as a longer elevator pitch. It is where you clearly express your professional journey. You can share your main skills and accomplishments. This is your opportunity to explain your unique value proposition and show what makes you different from other candidates.

Planning Your LinkedIn About Section Content

Before you start writing, take a moment to plan your content. This will help you create a summary that is organized and gets your message across clearly. Think about who your audience is and what they want to know about you. Consider your strengths, your passions, and your career goals.

Identifying Key Elements to Include

Think about your audience first to determine the key elements you want to tell them. Start by thinking about what questions that person has and what they want to know. Use this information to identify how you want to communicate the key details of your experience and strengths to that audience.

Content you need to include in this section:

  • Your job title and/or what you do.

  • The industries you have worked in.

  • Achievements that illustrate your strengths.

  • Your leadership style (if you want to manage people).

  • Your contact information and/or a call to action.

Your About section cannot repeat your resume summary. Instead, think about it as a first-person paragraph that answers the interview questions "Tell Me About Yourself" or "Why Should I Hire You?" These answers are not merely about where you have been, but provide a story about who you are - and that is exactly what this section of your profile should do.

Structuring Your Content for Maximum Impact

The first sentences of your LinkedIn summary are the absolute most important part. Think about writing these sentences like writing a newspaper article with the need to convey who, what, where, when, why, and how. It is key to grab people's attention right away with these essential details.

A general structure to use to write your LinkedIn About section is:

  • Paragraph 1 - Intro & Overview

  • Paragraph 2 - Your Leadership Style and/or Strengths

  • Paragraph 3 - Your Strengths or Specialities within Your Profession or Industry

  • Paragraph 4 - Achievements (in bullets)

  • Paragraph 5 - Call to Action with contact details if you want to share them

Maximize the First Few Lines to Grab Attention

After your profile picture, your LinkedIn summary is the first thing people see when they visit your profile. You don’t have much time to make a good impression and get them to keep reading. That’s why it's so important to create an interesting hook.

Think about what makes you stand out. Is it a job achievement you are proud of? Is it a special skill you have? Or could it be a memorable story about how you got into your career? Whatever it is, add it to your opening lines. This will help you create a strong first impression and encourage people to want to know more.

Pick Your Call to Action & Tell People What it is

As you finish your LinkedIn summary, you need to guide your reader about what to do next. What action do you want them to take after looking at your profile? A clear and straightforward call to action (CTA) is important here. Whether you are looking for new opportunities, are open to networking, or just want to meet other professionals, make it clear to your target audience.

Here are a few ways to use a CTA well:

  • Be Specific: Don't hesitate to say what you want. For example, you could state, "I'm looking for new opportunities in [industry/field]."

  • Provide Contact Information: Share your email or other contact details to help your audience get in touch.

Writing Tips to Enhance Your LinkedIn About Section

Now that you have a good plan for your LinkedIn summary, let's share some writing tips to make it even better.

If you use these tips, you will create a summary that is interesting and sticks in people's minds. This will help you stand out in a busy job market.

Starting Strong: The Art of the Hook

The first few lines of your summary are important because people must choose to read the rest of the section. If you don't get their attention in the first couple of lines, people will not click "see more" to read the rest of your About Section. And, they will probably move on to someone else. So, you must pack a big punch in those first few lines of your About section.

They can grab your reader's attention and make them want to know more. To write a great LinkedIn summary, start with a great summary and a strong hook that shows your unique value and effectively captures the reader’s attention. This can be a quick achievement, a bold statement about your career goals, or a short story that shows your passion for your work.

Don't just say your job title. Create an interesting opening line highlighting your skills or a key accomplishment from your job. For example, instead of saying, "I am a Software Engineer at XYZ Company," you could write, "As a Software Engineer, I've made solutions that have saved time and increased efficiency by 20%, showing my real impact on the team."

Showcasing Your Professional Journey and Achievements

After the first paragraph, you should dive into the details of your professional journey and strengths in detail. Think about your results and not merely the job titles or places where you have worked. Instead of just listing your duties, use numbers and data to show what you accomplished when you can.

For example, instead of saying, "Managed a team of marketing professionals," you could say, "Led a team of five marketing pros and boosted lead generation by 30% in one quarter." This shows your leadership skills and gives clear proof of your success.

Highlighting Your Skills and Expertise

It's important to share your professional journey in your LinkedIn summary. You should also show your skills and knowledge clearly. Don't just list skills that anyone can claim. Instead, give context and examples that show how you used those skills in past jobs.

For example, rather than saying, "I have excellent communication and interpersonal skills," you could say, "I led cross-functional teams and used my communication and interpersonal skills to help everyone work together and make sure the project succeeded." By sharing real stories about how you used your skills, you make them easier to believe and more powerful.

Personalizing Your Story to Stand Out

What makes your work story special? What do you care about, and what do you want to achieve in your career? Adding parts of your personality to your summary helps you connect better with others. This also makes your profile more unique.

Share stories or experiences that have influenced your career or highlight who you are. For instance, you might talk about a mentor who motivated you, a volunteer job that sparked your interest, or a personal struggle that made you more determined.

Advanced Techniques for a Compelling LinkedIn About Section

To create a great LinkedIn summary, the tips above are a good start. Now, let’s look at some advanced methods to enhance your profile. Using these strategies will help your profile stand out and be seen by more people.

With these advanced techniques, your LinkedIn summary can be powerful and unforgettable.

Use the AI Provided by LinkedIn, but Prepare to Edit it

LinkedIn now offers AI tools to help you with your profile. These tools can provide suggestions for your summary by incorporating new technologies. This feature is useful, but you should not depend only on the content made by AI. Machine learning algorithms can create text from data, but they do not add personal touch and detail that make a summary special.

Always check and change the AI-made content. Add your voice to it and make sure it shows your unique value proposition. Focus on the tone, language, and flow in your writing.

Define the Type of Person You Want to Read Your Profile

Before you start writing or improving your LinkedIn summary, take a moment to figure out your target audience. Think about who you want to read your summary the right way. Are they recruiters in your field, hiring managers at certain companies, or other professionals in your industry? Once you know your target audience, you can adjust your message to connect with them.

Consider their problems, challenges, and what drives them. When you understand their needs and points of view, you can show that you are a solution to their problems. This will help you get their attention better.

Build & Execute a Keyword Plan for Your Profile to Maximize Your Visibility to the Right Audience

Optimizing your LinkedIn profile is very important, just like SEO is for websites. This will help you show up more in search results with an optimized LinkedIn summary and you can use it across your work history. First, find the keywords and skills are important in your industry and related to the jobs you want. Having a clear keyword plan will help you reach the right audience effectively.

Then, add these keywords to your profile in a smart way. Make sure they fit well in your summary and experience sections. Do not just cram too many keywords in your profile. This can make it look spammy and can reduce how often people notice you.

Incorporating Success Metrics to Quantify Achievements

Numbers are really important, especially when showing what you have achieved. Whenever you can, use clear numbers and data to explain your success. This way of using data makes your claims stronger and your achievements more impressive.

For example, instead of saying, “Successfully managed social media campaigns,” you could say, “Led social media campaigns that grew followers by 20%, increased website traffic by 15%, and raised conversion rates by 10%.” These specific numbers show how well you did and make your profile stand out more.

Using Persuasive Language to Showcase Your Value

Choosing the right words can really change how well you share your message and show your value. When writing your LinkedIn summary, use strong and convincing language. This will help you show off your skills, experiences, and successes in a clear way.

For instance, use action words to talk about what you’ve done. Include numbers to show the impact you've made. It’s also good to add relevant information, such as industry words so people can find your profile more easily and increase your chances of getting job interviews. A good LinkedIn summary balances professionalism and your personality, which helps you stand out in a crowd.

Edit Your About Section to Make Sure it is on Brand With Your Goals and Audience

Once you write your LinkedIn summary, take a moment to look it over. Check if it shows your personal brand, matches your career goals, and connects with your target audience. The best LinkedIn summaries are made for the reader's needs and interests.

Think about the tone and language you used in your summary. Is it professional but still friendly? Does it clearly show your unique value proposition? If you want jobs in a certain industry, make sure your summary uses the right language and meets that industry's standards.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your LinkedIn About Section

When you write your LinkedIn summary, it's important to watch out for usual mistakes that can hurt its impact. If you avoid these errors, your profile will better showcase your professional journey.

By paying attention to these common mistakes, you can make sure your LinkedIn summary truly represents you.

Overusing Industry Jargon and Buzzwords

While using specific keywords in your LinkedIn summary is important for being found, you should not use too much industry jargon. Not everyone who reads your profile will know a lot about your field. Using too many technical terms can make your summary hard to understand for those outside your area.

Aim for clear and brief writing. Use simple words that everyone can grasp, no matter their background. This way, your message will connect with more people, including recruiters and hiring managers who might not understand all the details of your work.

Keyword Stuffing Your About Section

Optimizing your LinkedIn summary with the right keywords is important to help you appear in search results. But, you should stay away from keyword stuffing. This means not using too many keywords without relevance to your experience. Examples of keyword stuffing include laundry lists of skills, not providing details to explain the use of the keyword or your knowledge of them, or merely filling out the section with a lot of extra phrases to include all of the potential skills someone may want to find.

Rather than forcing in lots of keywords, focus on making your summary easy to read and using only the right keywords. Remember, people are skimming your About section - not just software. Recruiters and hiring managers are smart, they will see the keyword stuffing in your About section as a sign of being desperate.

Avoid this appearance by staying focused and communicating a clear message that includes only the right keywords for the types of roles you are pursuing, including relevant job descriptions. You can put the rest of the keywords throughout your profile as there are many other sections to optimize your LinkedIn profile beyond the About. A summary that is naturally optimized will connect better with readers and search algorithms.

Being Too Casual

To keep your LinkedIn profile looking professional, use a serious tone in your About section. It's good to show a bit of your personality, but remember that this is a work-based site. Make sure your language and style fit what potential employers expect in your field. Use clear words and a proper structure to share your skills well. Your About section is a chance to impress people, so find a way to mix professionalism with a bit of who you are.

Sounding Desperate

While looking for new job opportunities, it is important to keep a positive and confident tone in your LinkedIn summary. Don't use words that make you sound desperate or needy. For example, avoid saying "desperately seeking employment" or "willing to do any job."

Instead, talk about your skills, experience, and what you want in your career. Highlight your excitement to use your knowledge in a new challenge. This will help you frame your job search positively.

Using Generic & Over-used Phrases

Generic phrases like "hardworking," "team player," and "results-oriented" are used too much. They don't really show your work style or what you have achieved. Instead of using these tired terms, share clear examples to show what you can do.

These phrases don’t capture what makes you special or reflect your personal brand. Use this chance to point out what makes you different. What skills, experiences, or achievements make you shine?

Forgetting Your Personality

Having a professional LinkedIn profile is important. However, you should also show your personality. In a world full of similar profiles, being unique can help you stand out.

Talk about your passions, interests, or volunteer work. These things show who you are outside of your job. Making your profile feel more human helps potential employers relate to you and remember you better.

Including Details You Should Not Share Publicly

LinkedIn profiles are public. You can block individual users from accessing your profile and you can block the search sites from indexing your profile, but you can't really control who sees what on your profile. Thus, one of the biggest mistakes people make in their About section unknowingly is the inclusion of details they don't have the approval to share publicly. This can create particular concerns for people who have NDAs or other contractual obligations to keep information confidential - even if it is about something you are doing for a publicly traded company.

Most people can work around even the toughest restrictions to communicate their strengths and results if they are careful to mask the details of what is truly confidential. This means using categories instead of actual names of clients (i.e. Fortune 500 Retailer, Global Defense Contractor, etc.) and using percentages rather than actual numbers. These tactics allow you to focus on what you did and the result of your actions rather than the sensitive information that your employer or clients don't want to be shared publicly. And, doing this is also a professional way to show your potential employers that you know how to handle confidential information while still communicating your value.

Make sure to highlight your work experiences, relevant skills, and professional strengths. This will show your value proposition well. By being professional and careful about what you share, you can make your LinkedIn profile more attractive to recruiters and HR professionals looking for people like you.

Neglecting the Importance of Spellcheck and Grammar

Before you finish your LinkedIn summary, make sure to check it carefully for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Errors can make you look careless or unprofessional, which can hurt your credibility.

Read your summary several times, or think about using grammar-checking tools to find any errors you may not see. A clean and mistake-free profile shows that you pay attention to details and care about being professional.

Examples To Illustrate These Strategies

Now that you see how important each part of your LinkedIn summary is, let’s check out some examples for inspiration. Remember to use these examples as ideas only. Don't copy them exactly. Change the tone, language, and style to fit your own experiences and the jobs you want.

By making these examples your own, you will make sure your LinkedIn summary shows your personal brand.

Example 1 - New Grad

I recently graduated from [University name] with a degree in [Field of Study]. I gained experience while completing my degree through a variety of internships at publicly traded companies, startups, and small businesses, and through volunteering. I also built my technical skills in the field through the use of a number of key programs including [software name, software name, etc.].

My strong organizational skills led to my success in gaining experience while achieving in my academic program. During my studies, I built a strong base in [mention 2-3 relevant skills]. I improved these skills even more during my internships at [Mention previous companies]. In fact, a few of my results include:

  • Result 1

  • Result 2

  • Result 3

I am actively pursuing opportunities to launch my career. I am doing this by applying, networking, and volunteering. Message me and let's continue the conversation or send me an email at [email address].

Example 2 - Mid-career Professional

I have [Number] years of experience in the [Industry] industry. I’m a motivated person who focuses on getting results. I have done this in [industry, industry, industry]. This has enabled me to build skills in [Mention key skills].

I really enjoy using my skills in data science and [Mention Specific area of interest]. I like to lead teams and help them reach big goals. I have shown that I can [provide an example of what you like doing and what tools or people you worked with while achieving that result]. Some of my recent results are:

  • Result 1

  • Result 2

  • Result 3

  • Result 4

Tech Stack: Software Name, Software Name, Software Name, Software Name, Programming Language, Programming Language

Example 3 - Experienced Professional

I am a skilled expert with over [Number] years of experience in the [Mention industry/field], with a strong focus on brand awareness. I have strong knowledge in [Mention 3-4 key areas of expertise]. I currently report to the [title of your boss] and my teams [explain what they do].

In my leadership roles at well-known companies like [Mention previous companies or organizations], I have managed teams and led important projects. I have a track record of delivering good results. I do this by [explain how you motivate and lead others].

We have achieved the following results:

  • Result 1

  • Result 2

  • Result 3

  • Result 4

Industry Experience: Industry 1, Industry 2, Industry 3, Industry 4, Industry 5

Example 4 - Executive

I am a skilled and successful executive with a strong record of helping companies grow and innovate. I have over [Number] years of experience in leading great teams in the [mention industry/field]. I specialize in [Mention 3-4 key areas of expertise, e.g., strategic planning, mergers & acquisitions, etc.].

Throughout my career, I have often gone beyond what is expected. I have led successful projects at [Mention previous companies or organizations]. I care deeply about creating a culture of excellence, helping teams succeed, and bringing about meaningful change.

Updating and Maintaining Your LinkedIn About Section

Your LinkedIn summary is not something you can just write and leave alone. You need to look at it often and update it to show your growing career.

By keeping your summary fresh and in line with your goals, you will make sure it is a good tool for moving forward in your career.

When and How to Update Your About Section

A static LinkedIn profile can be a missed chance. You should try to update your LinkedIn profile, especially your summary section, every three to six months. You should also update it whenever there are big changes in your career. This includes new skills you have learned, goals you have achieved, or changes in your career goals.

When you update, add new and important information that shows where you are now in your job. Pay attention to the keywords you use, so they match your target audience and industry trends. Keeping your LinkedIn profile up to date helps you present the best version of yourself online.

Keeping Content Fresh and Relevant

The digital world is always changing. Your LinkedIn profile needs to show these changes. Regularly check your LinkedIn summary to keep it fresh and relevant. Make sure the information shows your current skills, experiences, and goals.

Get rid of old info and add new achievements, projects, or skills you have learned. For instance, if you finished a course related to your field or took on new tasks at work, be sure to highlight these updates. They show your professional growth.

Increase Your Engagement with Other LinkedIn Features

Using more LinkedIn features can help you get noticed and connect with others. These tools let you show your skills. They also make it simpler for potential employers to discover you.

When you use everything the platform offers, you can build a strong and impressive professional profile.

LinkedIn's "Featured" section lets you show your work experience to potential employers. It adds a visual part to your profile. You can highlight your achievements, projects, publications, and certifications here.

By including rich media like images, videos, presentations, and articles, you give clear proof of your skills. This makes your profile more interesting for visitors.

Add Media to Each of Your Experience Entries

Visuals can really improve your LinkedIn profile. Don't just fill your experience section with text. Use the platform's multimedia features. By adding images, videos, or presentations to this section, you make your profile more attractive and informative.

Think about using images from projects you've worked on. You can also add screenshots of websites or apps you've created. Infographics that show data or insights related to your work are great too. Visuals help break up the text, making your profile more interesting and easier to remember.

Add a Button to Your Profile if You Pay for Premium

If you use LinkedIn Premium, think about adding a clear call-to-action button to your profile. This button lets visitors take specific steps, like contacting you, setting up a meeting, or checking out your website.

Using this feature can help turn profile views into real conversations. A good call to action, tied to your career goals, helps get visitors to connect with you.

Key Takeaways

A strong LinkedIn profile is not just an online resume - it is an extension of your professional image where people go to find more information about you. By spending time to create a great LinkedIn summary, you can boost your job search and find new opportunities.

Make sure to keep your summary clear, interesting, filled with keywords, and focused on your target audience. A good summary helps you stand out among many job seekers and grabs the attention of recruiters.

Want help to write your About Section or to make sure that your LinkedIn profile is fully optimized? Our team would love to assist. Claim a free consult today to find out if we can maximize your LinkedIn profile.